Sunday 12 October 2014

13 Goals for a Witch

Merry Meet all!

Now I can't remember where I first heard or saw this list of 13 goals but I remember thinking at the time that they were something worthwhile to hang onto. Just as the Rede acts as a guideline to Wicca, these goals act as things to aspire to on your path. At least that's how I feel.

13 Goals for a Witch
  1. Know yourself
  2. Know your Craft
  3. Learn and grow
  4. Apply knowledge with wisdom
  5. Achieve balance
  6. Keep your words in good order
  7. Keep your thoughts in good order
  8. Celebrate life
  9. Attune with the cycles of the earth
  10. Breathe and eat correctly
  11. Exercise the body
  12. Meditate
  13. Honour the Goddess and the God
I believe that this blog I am keeping is serving to help with the first goal on this list. It's about taking time to get to know yourself, stripping away the layers and getting to the real core of who you are as a person. 

I've heard the advice that stepping back and assessing your goals, aspirations, your life can be helpful to approach through journal keeping. I personally have been keeping a dream journal and notes on thoughts and feelings I have whilst meditating. Another bit of advice I found useful on this topic is to strip back to the most bare and basic version of yourself. Ways of doing this include spending time au naturale, sans makeup etc.

The second goal relates to studying and practicing the Craft by educating yourself and exploring new things. There are many different theories and aspects to learn about and there is a vast amount of knowledge available online, in books, through members of the community and if you can find one, through a physical teacher. Many workshops are held by teachers within the community and these are a good way to expand your knowledge. All in all, practice makes perfect so don't stop learning and refining your skills.

This directly relates to the third goal. Never stop learning and never limit yourself to the things you know. There is always more to be found if you seek hard enough.

The fourth goal says that we should apply all knowledge we gain with wisdom. Use it to guide your decisions and remember that knowledge is power but without wisdom there is no control over it. It's pretty self explanatory really, use the wisdom you have gained to make informed decisions and apply your knowledge well.

The fifth goal speaks of balance and it is important to note here that Wicca is very much based on duality and balance. The Wiccan belief system follows the belief of a creative power that manifests itself through polarity i.e. the God and the Goddess, the masculine and the feminine, the light and the dark. We attempt to reach balance in all aspects of our lives because a balanced life is harmonious.

The sixth and seventh goals are directly related to one another. According to The Wiccan Way "As a witch your thoughts manifest reality in accordance with your will. Once you have reached a level of magical development you can set events in motion without even realising it. A disciplined mine reduces that occurrences and aids in magical works. Your thoughts manifest before words are even formed.... As thoughts manifest reality in conformity to your will, so do words. Words are the verbalisation of your thoughts and therefore carry power. To not mind your words is the same as spreading chaos magically. Discipline in minding your words adds meaning to what you speak and enhances their effectiveness in magical workings as well as the mundane

When it comes to the eighth goal, I believe this is also rather self explanatory. Life's short so live your life to your fullest potential, live with no holds barred and no regrets.  

I'll eventually come to talking in depth about the attuning to the cycles of the earth as it relates to an important Wiccan concept. That is the Wheel of the Year which is what the Wiccan holidays or Sabbats are based upon. The Wheel is based on the Earth's cycles including solstices and equinoxes. Lunar phases are also something that are prominent within Wicca and celebrated by our Esbats.

Goals ten and eleven explain themselves. We all know to remain healthy we must eat well and exercise.. all in all we must look after our bodies as they are the only one we have this lifetime. Breathing is very important to life, and to proper magick, to energy raising, not to mention, your health. Breathing deeply from the diaphragm should be mastered. Also breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth, especially during meditation, or other forms of energy control and consciousness control.

The topic of meditation is something I still have much to learn about but according to The White Goddess, "Meditation is one of the basic tenets of Wicca, in order to be effective in magickal work, you will need to learn to enter a state of deep relaxation, a place of calm and balance to align yourself with the natural forces around you. As you learn to still your mind and enter this state of relaxation, you are learning to focus your mind, becoming centered, balanced and calm, you are learning mental discipline. It is here in your inner self that you will meet your Spirit self and your guide through your journey.
To reach a truly meditative state requires a lot of practice, and it is important to be patient and take your time. By using a meditation device repeatedly, such as incense, candles, chanting or drumming, you can condition your mind to enter a meditative state."

Finally and arguably the most importantly, we must honour the Goddess and God. This is a huge topic and a rather important one in my opinion. I am sure I will end up dedicating multiple blogs to the Lord and the Lady but for the moment I will keep it short and sweet.
We of the Wicca believe in the polarity of the Deity. Therefore, the Goddess and God are revered. In regards to the Goddess I have some notes stating the following, "Understanding the tradition of the Goddess within helps us to appreciate our own power, skill, heritage and beauty. Honouring the Goddess teaches us to celebrate all stages of life, listen to our knowledge, honour female power of creation and appreciate women."

We should honor the God and Goddess in everything we do. They are a part of us as we are a part of them. We are all connected. By honoring them we honor ourselves and our fellow humans. We also honor our gods through rituals and celebrations. We do this because we love them and we desire to not because we fear them. - The Wiccan Way

Well, I truly hope this has been interesting and useful. This is one of the things that I first put in my BoS and is one of the inspiring little gems I've come across.

Blessed Be,


  1. I first saw these in a book by Scott Cunningham, but I can't remember if it was "Wicca- A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner" or another. By the way, I like your blog. I'm trying to do a similar one but find I don't have that much time so it's a while between posts. Blessed Be!

    1. Yes, that might be where I first came across these :)
      I'm very glad to hear you're enjoying the blog, hopefully I can find the time to keep posting regularly. Btw, feel free to link me to your blog so I can check it out. Blessed Be
